January 12, 2015
LOS ANGELES – More than 100 members of the creative community have signed a letter to U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) thanking him for his leadership in urging the credit card industry to implement voluntary steps that can prevent their services from being misused to fund pirate websites.
On November 25, Senator Leahy wrote to credit card company executives and asked them to sever ties with pirate sites and help reduce the for-profit theft of creative works.
The January 9 letter was signed by actors, writers, directors, producers, and other leaders from the creative community and reads, in part:
“We applaud you for highlighting the adverse impact on artists and creators caused by allowing websites that host and incentivize unauthorized content to operate like legitimate businesses.
“We further agree that the voluntary actions you urge the credit card industry to adopt can help reduce online piracy – to the benefit of individual creators and our creative economy. As you wrote in your letter, illegitimate enterprises that profit from the theft of creative works undermine the lawful, innovative digital distribution services that have flourished in recent years.”
Read full letter here.
In September, a study released by NetNames and the Digital Citizens Alliance found that the top 30 cyberlocker sites made nearly $100 million in revenue in the last year, from advertising and subscription payments processed by major credit card companies. In June, CreativeFuture commended leaders of the advertising community for their initiative to prevent the flow of ad dollars to pirate sites.
About CreativeFuture
CreativeFuture is a coalition made up of more than 350 companies and organizations – encompassing film, television, music, and book publishing – that promotes the value of creativity, expanded digital access to legitimate content, and the fundamental right of creators to determine how their works are distributed. Click here for a complete list of our coalition partners.