Published Date: 08-16-23

Films, music videos, and commercials are part of our everyday lives, but most people would be surprised about the amount of effort that goes into making them. Filmmaking requires hard work from many dedicated workers with a wide variety of creative backgrounds.

For director Gev Miron, it’s this process that interests him. He points to the collaborative nature of filmmaking as one of the reasons he loves directing: “When you bring in the right people to work with, the job of a director becomes more like that of a conductor.”

Miron has dreamt of becoming a filmmaker since he was five years old – now, he collaborates with global stars, high-profile brands, and talented artists around the world.

In our new #StandCreative artist highlight, we talk to Gev about his creative process, his role as a director, and where his future is heading. Check it out below!