By Chris Ortman Be sure to catch this article by Michael Cieply in today’s New York Times on CreativeFuture’s efforts to build a vibrant digital future that better serves audiences, artists, and all who create for a living. CreativeFuture is a broad-based creative community coalition that seeks cooperation and common... Read more
By Ruth Vitale In case you missed it over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times ran a letter to the editor on Saturday in response to its editorial from March 24 on copyright reform and the cumbersome notice-and-takedown process. The letter is from Michael Kelly, Executive Director at the Los... Read more
CreativeFuture has partnered with Slamdance On the Road as a Presenting Sponsor to showcase new and emerging artists, filmmakers, and storytellers at events across the country over the coming year – beginning with a screening last night in New York City. Post by CreativeFuture. “Slamdance On The Road is honored... Read more
By Ruth Vitale In my more than 30 years working on the production and distribution of independent films, I’ve seen many changes in the business. Some of the biggest changes are in how we reach audiences. Today, innovations in digital distribution provide audiences with more access to films and television... Read more
Posted by Chris Ortman What better night to celebrate creativity than Oscar night? Tonight, during the 2014 Academy Awards, join CreativeFuture in a conversation about the value of creativity – and the contributions of so many creative artists to great films that inspire, challenge, entertain and amuse. Using #InsideCreativity, we’ll... Read more
By Chris Ortman A new report from the Digital Citizens Alliance, conducted by MediaLink LLC, details the windfall profits that illegal, for-profit pirate sites collect from legitimate advertisers. The findings, based on a sample of nearly 600 sites, reveal that the most heavily trafficked pirate sites make upwards of $6... Read more