In a positive development for the creative community, several key advertising leaders converged at Advertising Week in New York City to sound the alarm about the harmful effects of digital piracy. Wenda Harris Millard of MediaLink moderated a panel discussion called “Digital Media Value Under Attack: It’s Worse than You... Read more
The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property today held a hearing on the role of voluntary agreements in supporting intellectual property rights online and promoting a safe, legal, and prosperous Internet economy – and featured testimony from witnesses representing creative industries. Representative Mel Watt (D-NC) applauded all stakeholders for ‘confronting... Read more
Today on Capitol Hill, at an event hosted by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), industry analyst David Price of NetNames unveiled a new report that measures the size and shape of online piracy – and details how piracy profiteers are finding new ways to make money off stolen... Read more
The Obama Administration released its 2013 Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement yesterday, which highlights IP’s role as a “key driver” of our economy, the progress that’s been made in recent years, and a path forward on what the government can do to ensure intellectual property rights promote the... Read more
A new study finds that removing just one pirate site benefits creators. Help get the word out to your co-workers and friends. Share this today! A little while ago we reached out on our blog to tell you about how the removal of just one major pirate site led to... Read more
A new study released today and conducted by academic researchers at Wellesley College and Carnegie Mellon University found a causal relationship between the shutdown of one of the largest sources of illegal downloads, Megaupload, and an increase in online movie sales and rentals. At its peak, the website boasted... Read more